Online Resources on Advanced Recycling

Recycling Lies

Chemical Recycling” Of Plastic Is Just Greenwashing Incineration …

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New report reveals the scam of “advanced recycling” aka pyrolysis

Advanced recycling facilities are expensive, toxic, and don’t work…

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The Recycling Myth

Big oil’s solution for plastic waste littered with failure…

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Exxon doubles down on ‘advanced recycling’ claims that yield few results

The petroleum company is under investigation for misleading the public…

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Environmentalists Seek End to Plastic Industry “Hoax”

“Chemical recycling” pollutes air and climate, they say—and isn’t even recycling…

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What is “Advanced Recycling?”

The Ugly Truth is a Smoke-and-Mirrors Act

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The Real Truth About the U.S. Plastic Recycling Rate

The United States Environmental Protection Agency hasn’t reported U.S. recycling rates since 2020…

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New Report Trashes Chemical Recycling—It Doesn't Solve Plastic Pollution

After the recent signing of an agreement to develop a global treaty on plastics…

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